Our Story
bonkas 4x4 wales the best 'all makes club in wales We run events for people to enjoy, and to utilise their 4x4, whatever the make, model and level of modification bonkas4x4 club offroad CB channel is 39 ) you find us and members on the links on this page fb twitter and up and coming events will be posted on twitter and fb page and loads of videos on you tube
Exceeding Your Expectations
Next Level Service
Frequently utilized by most of our members this service has been essential to success on many occasions. When it comes to all of our members you can count on us to take care of your every need. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service, and guarantee you’ll love working with the bonkas team the membership on line is £12 a year and its pay pal only please don't forget when paying on line to add your name and address as well thanks admin